Hey there folks! Welcome to the official Shawn Clarke website! I've been sitting on this domain name for a couple years. After much deliberation I finally decided to do something in blog form. One main reason for that is that it's easy. I don't need to pay for a host (poor musician) and I don't have to rely on someone to do my updates. Therefore, i may need your help, if you have any suggestions on how I can improve this site, let me know.
Feel free to peruse! Everything seems to be up and running. Notice I have 3 shows coming up, Toronto (Tranzac) this Thursday; London (The Black Shire) this Saturday; and Toronto again (Press Club) on January 6th. It's almost Christmas, so if you're looking for a copy of "Like Birds too Tired to Fly" you can either click the "iTunes" tab for a digital copy, or the "Purchase" tab for a physical copy.
I think that about covers it... oh wait, I also have a Mailing List on the left (and below this paragraph). I can keep you updated on all the musical goings-on, give-aways, etc. I promise not to bug you too much, and I won't sell your email to spammers. Also, if you join now, you can receive a special free Christmas download from yours truly.
That's all for now, Keep in touch!
Feel free to peruse! Everything seems to be up and running. Notice I have 3 shows coming up, Toronto (Tranzac) this Thursday; London (The Black Shire) this Saturday; and Toronto again (Press Club) on January 6th. It's almost Christmas, so if you're looking for a copy of "Like Birds too Tired to Fly" you can either click the "iTunes" tab for a digital copy, or the "Purchase" tab for a physical copy.
I think that about covers it... oh wait, I also have a Mailing List on the left (and below this paragraph). I can keep you updated on all the musical goings-on, give-aways, etc. I promise not to bug you too much, and I won't sell your email to spammers. Also, if you join now, you can receive a special free Christmas download from yours truly.
That's all for now, Keep in touch!