"Stray Birds" release party! This Friday!

Hey there, I was recently reminded from an anonymous comment, that I haven't posted anything here about the upcoming release party for "Stray Birds".  So, here are the details:

This Friday January 20th
Placebo Space (1409 Bloor St W)
$6 or $10 with CD

With opening act, Ryan Warner.  Who is awesome, as you can hear at his Bandcamp page.

If you still haven't heard "Stray Birds", you can just press play on the music widget to the Left of the page!

Hope to see you there!  Please come say hello!

Top 10 albums of 2011! (as chosen by someone with very little time on his hands)

Hellllloooooo.  It's that time of the year again!  When everyone with a blog thinks they know whats best!  And here's my collection of my favorite albums from 2011.  Also, I don't listen to a lot of new music.  So here's my opinion!

10. Loom- Epyllion

Beautiful, haunting melodies.  Chill out music at it's finest.  Which doesn't mean it lacks edge, the riff on "Around Again" sounds like it could have been borrowed from the Black Keys.  
Best Tracks: Around Again, Is it Love

9.  tUnE-yArDs- WHO KILL

Like Paul Simon on ecstasy.  Definitely the most exciting listen of the year.
Best Tracks: Bizness, You Yes You

8.  Sandro Perri - Impossible Spaces

Always thought provoking. Perri really shows off production skills here.
Best Tracks:  Changes, Wolfman

7.  St. Vincent - Strange Mercy

Annie Clark is a fantastic musician.  Easily the most interesting guitarist/songwriter performing right now.  Strange Mercy, like Clark, is both Agressive and Angelic.
Best Tracks: Surgeon, Year of the Tiger

6.  Birdsacrosswater - Archives

Nic Lefebvre is constantly releasing music, under both birdsacrosswater and Rays.  This is a collection of experiments recorded over 2 years, but it's surprisingly cohesive.  The best part is that you can download it for free at his bandcamp page.
Best Tracks:  Old Photograph, It Never Gets Old

 5.  Bon Iver - Bon Iver

It took me some time to get to this album.  But I'm glad I finally did.  Bon Iver takes a whole new approach to this album than "For Emma, Forever Ago", much more synth and elecric guitar heavy, but the excellent songwriting is still there.
Best Tracks: Perth, Towers

4.  Timber Timbre - Creep on Creepin' On

The follow up to their wonderful self-titled debut, finds Timber Timbre more unified.  Some of the gothic blues is put aside for hints of classic soul and heavy experimentation.
Best Tracks: Black Water, Woman

3.  Radiohead- King of Limbs

I've honestly never been disappointment with a Radiohead release.  It took me more time to warm up to King of Limbs than with others, but I'm glad I took the time.  Always progressing, King Of Limbs is at times their least, and at times most accessible album in years.
Best Tracks: Codex, Morning Mr Magpie

2.  Slow Down Molasses- Walk Into the Sea

Slow Down, Molasses is a big band, who want to to say a lot of things.  Sometimes on stage that can be overwhelming, and it can be hard to hear the message.  But on their newest, producer James Bunting has mixed the band to perfection, subtly moving a guitar here, plugging in a cello there, and putting together one of the finest albums I heard this year.  Wonderful songs.
Best Tracks: Late Night Radio, Light

1.  Gillian Welch- The Harrow and the Harvest

How this album has escaped so many peoples top albums lists is beyond me. After a 7 year wait Welch releases her finest effort yet. Beautiful harmonies, haunting melodies, and top notch story telling.
Best Tracks: A Dark Turn of Mind, Hard Times

Where to buy "Stray Birds".

So "Stray Birds" has finally been sent out into the world!  And if you're wondering where to pick it up, try these places!

Physical Copies

572 College St West

Sonic Boom
782 Bathurst St.

She Said Boom
393 Roncesvalles Ave

353 Clarence St. (London ON)

Digital Copies

Shawn Clarke Bandcamp

If you're neither in Toronto or London, and would like to get a copy, email me at shawnclarkemusic@gmail.com, and I'll be glad to set something up!

Hope you enjoy!

EP Preview: Listen to "Stray Birds"

The CD's in hand, and the release date coming next week, I thought it was time to show off the music!  Play it down here!

Come Friday December 2nd, the EP will be available for sale in Physical form and Digital.  Check back next week to find out where you can pick it up.

Other great news, since I have the albums, you just might be able to purchase one this Sunday at Comedy Bar!  I'll be the musical guest on Sunday Night Live.  The host this week is none other than "Who's Line is it Anyways" alumni Greg Proops!!  You can purchase tickets at the Comedy Bar website

Look what just arrived!

Hey there, great news, I now have in my possession 500 Stray Birds EP's!  I took a few highly professional pictures on Photo Booth.  Here's a first look.




Spine (with "Like Birds Too Tired to Fly")

Nice right?  That, of coarse, is the artwork of Jessica Rae Gordon.   The EP will be in stores and online on December 2nd, I will post various sites and store addresses soon.  I've also recently received new T-shirts, which a very handsome model is displaying below.

Talk soon!

EP Preview: Track Listing!

Hello, we're getting closer to the date!  I'm patiently waiting for the albums to be manufactured.  In the meantime, here's a little bit about the songs on the EP.

Shawn Clarke & the Green Hearts- Stray Birds

1. Corners of Your Mouth (intro)
2. In Transit
3. Cold Wind
4. Eggshells
5. Corners of Your Mouth

1. Corners of Your Mouth (intro) has been around for a long time.  Originally written for "Like Birds Too Tired to Fly".  In the original version, I played a chord organ.  It was a little out of place in the "Like Birds" session, so we didn't record it.  We did a couple different versions for this session, the one with Marty Smyth playing piano is the one we used.

2. In Transit is the oldest song on the EP.  Written before the "Like Birds" session, I had envisioned it with a horn section, making it a little out of place for the album (ended up recording with Accordion instead).  Written out of boredom on a bus trip from Orillia to Toronto, I played out a possible love between two people in the seat ahead of me. Great session with Sean Lancaric, drummer of Wilderness of Manitoba.

3. Cold Wind is one of my most serious, straight ahead folk tunes.  Written after reading an article about a Sudbury mine closing after only a year of operation.  The foreign company that owned the mine promised a minimum of 3 years without layoffs.  Much too dark for "Like Birds..."

4. Eggshells was written by Olenka Krakus.  I love her songwriting, she's easily one of my favorites, and thankfully, is also a good friend.  This is a love song (one of her rare happy ones!) but because of the chord progression, and our arrangement, it sounds like a dark Tom Waits tune!  Sean appears again on drums.

5. Corners of Your Mouth was written during the sessions for "Stray Birds".  I felt I needed a fifth song, and thought a tie-in with the first track would be good.  I started writing it as a love song, but it eventually turned much darker.  Other than sharing the phrase "Corners of Your Mouth" the songs have no real relation to each other.  You can actually download this track from the Static Zine mix-tape

So there you have it!  Keep checking back, I will be updating more as we get close to December 2nd!