Bandcamp site is up and running!

I'm not sure how familiar you are with Bandcamp, so I'll give you a quick over view.  Bandcamp is an alternate Myspace... one that doesn't suck.  The cool thing about Bandcamp is that you can listen to the music AND if you like it purchase the songs or albums right there.  So simple... are you listening Myspace?!  The other cool thing about that is that you can get digital tracks and ALL the profits go to the artists.  I'm not sure if you know this or not, but iTunes takes a healthy cut of every purchase.  So if you can, take a few minutes and check it out, listen to some tracks, like it (facebook styles) and even purchase a song or two!  Keep checking back, I'll soon be able to set up a merch store, where one could pick up a t-shirt r something! CLICK BELOW!!!!

i (heart) music review! AND a nomination I knew nothing about!

Hey there folks!  This is my day: I was asked to be interviewed for a possible BlogTO article.  The questions where sent to me by email, so in between questions,  I watched the 1971 film "A King in Marvin Gardens", worked out,  and surfed the ol' internet.  One great thing I found on my search, was this review written today on i(heart)!

Read the Review here!

That was a really nice surprise, but even nicer was seeing this line "On the one hand, when he was nominated for last year's Hottest Bands in Canada last year, the accompanying ballot...."  and I got to thinking, I was nominated for hottest Band in Canada?  Sure enough, with a little sleuthing (clicking the link above), I found it.  So thanks to whoever nominated me in November!  It's a wonderful honor, and I wish I had noticed it earlier!

Anyways, I'll keep you updated on that BlogTO article, and I'll also update you on  a few upcoming gigs!  So long!

Featured in Blog TO's Neighbourhood Mixtape!!

I don't know if you follow Blog TO, but if you're a fan of are city, it's something I suggest.  It's the best place to go for info on food, shopping, movies and music within the city.  Aldrin Taroy has been putting together the Neighbourhood Mixtape for the last little while, where every Sunday, he picks a few songs to be a soundtrack for the week.  His theme this week is inspired by travel and called "Close Quarters".  The really exciting thing is that he picked my song "I'll Miss You When You're Gone" to be a part of it!

You can download it, or stream it here at The Neighbourhood Mixtape.  It features myself, Owen Pallett, Heartbreak Hotel, Pursuits, and Young Empires.

Happy Holidays!

Hey there! Well, it's been a pretty interesting year for me.  After much laboring, I released my first full length album "Like Birds Too Tired to Fly", and, happily, it received rave reviews!  I also got to tour with Olenka and the Autumn Lovers this fall, a wonderful experience that I chronicled over at my blog.

I'm not sure what next year holds.  Ideally, it'll be some touring of my own, and maybe some new recordings... and Arts and Crafts will sign me.. or True North, I'm not picky.

Anyways, happy holidays!  As a special gift, I have a couple holiday downloads for you!  

This is a version of "Silver and Gold", from the one of my favorite Christmas classics, Rudolph the Red Nosed Raindeer.  It features the wonderful violin work of Alex Cheung, and was recorded by Myke Mazzei


And how about one more? My good friend Alexis Marsh and I put together a little holiday EP a couple years ago. Here is one of my favorite tracks, a Moriconne-esque version of "What Child is This?"


Thank you all for taking the time to listen, download, come out to shows, and spread the good word of Shawn Clarke! I really appreciate it, and I hope we can do more in the new year!

Saturday night in London Ontario!

Last night's show at the Tranzac in Toronto went exceptionally well!  Considering we didn't have anytime to rehearse, the band was fantastic.  And now, I make the the trek to London Ontario for a solo show.  I'll be opening for the Berkel Sisters, and the show will also feature A Priori.  Hopefully you can make it out!

Check out this great video from Jenny Berkel

Also, I just wanted to remind you that you can get a free holiday download by signing up on my mailing list!  Can't go wrong with free downloads!

Toronto tonight!

Hey there, tonight's the night!  My final gig in Toronto for the year 2010!  

Featuring one of my favorite acts, Polyester Heart.  If you've never seen them before you're in for a treat.  It features front man Dave Marcotte and drummer Marshal Bureau.  Dave plays guitar (usually in an open tuning) and sings with a Hayden-esque growl.  He also plays a set of foot pedals, covering the bass and mood.

If you haven't picked up a copy of "Like Birds Too Tired to Fly", I'll have them for sale, including pre-wrapped ones ready for the holidays!  Pick one up for the music lover in your family!  I also have a couple t-shirts left, all artwork designed by the lovely Jessica Rae Gordon

That's about it!  See you tonight (Tranzac, 292 Brunswick Ave, Toronto), come say hi!  Oh, if you're in London Ontario, I'll be playing Saturday night at the Black Shire Pub!

Great write-up on North by East West!

I was just checking my email before bed (yeah, bed at 11:15, I know... I know...) and I came across this wonderful write up at one of my favorite blogs; North by East West.  Writer Daniel Dell, really digs the album!

"With almost a timeless sound Shawn Clarke’s new record almost pours out the speakers and fills the room so casually that you can’t quite figure out how it got there in the first place, and more over, how you ever lived without it before. This album could have come out at any time in the last 40 years and still feel as fresh and natural, a folk masterpiece." 

Can't beat that!

Read the whole article here: